Develop a practice that will have you moving pain free

Develop a practice that will have you moving pain free and doing things you never thought possible.
Develop a practice that will have you moving pain free and doing things you never thought possible.
Movement education is body awareness, the space in which the body moves; it is the effort or quality of body action, and the relationships among body parts, individuals, groups and objects.

Group Classes
These group classes use a variety of practices such as gymnastics, strength work, loaded stretching, and locomotion to help increase strength, mobility, and achieve the overall intention of pain-free movement.
Online Coaching
Personally tailored 8 week program with valuable feedback moving towards the individual’s goals. Each phase is broken into Spinal movements, wrist prep, shoulder opening, handstands, mobility, and strength work.
Private Coaching
For those that want the full experience from movement education to application. Learn how to incorporate life-changing habits into your day to day as well as have your technique watched and corrected for every movement.
The Movement MasterCourseTM
An 8 week intensive movement MasterCourse designed for coaches or serious students looking to progress in their own practice and/or teachings.
The 4 Pillars of Wellness.
We currently live in a world that when it comes to health has it BACKWARDS! ‘Busy’ people who work their ass off 40-70hrs per week, sit down and/or stare at a screen all day, eat processed food, always feeling tired…. ALL with the mentality of enjoying life when they are retired. When in reality if all these habits persist through life by the time they get to retirement they will have some form of chronic disease, won’t be able to bend down to tie their shoes and will be in constant pain which will then prevent them from enjoying ANYTHING! Seems crazy right!?
At Movement4 we are trying to change this and that’s why we approach health from a holistic frame of mind using the 4 pillars.